Friday, December 28, 2012

Thoughts: Getting To Know Me

I find it funny that the person 
who understands me the most 
is actually someone I argue with 
most of the time.
They have seen me angry,
they have seen me think, 
they saw how 
the wheels turn in my head.
They know what to search for
in my eyes and in my tone.
If I knew what I was saying
or if I was making it up as I go.
They wait for me to stop
before they say their piece. 
And they say it 
with utmost civility.
I won't say I lost
in the argument we just had,
and neither did they win
for being outwardly calm.
We both understood the other. 
Our words flew and were received.
Funny how the person
I argue with the most
knows me best.

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