Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Tight schedules. Limited time. Cramming. Seven cups of coffee in one sitting. Thick books that make your shoulders ache. These are some of the things that would come to mind when I hear people talk about college.

College, from what I thought back then, was far from what I am experiencing now. Currently surviving my fourth week in a place I am totally foreign to, things have been going really well. The first week was a bit tough since I still had to adjust with my parents' absence and the fact that I was all alone since I barely knew anyone in school. I was also following a different schedule than my classmates', which hindered me from making any acquaintances in the first few days.

But as the days passed by, things are getting a lot better. My teachers are really nice. They make the lesson understandable and fun. (Not what I expected since it's already college. But I'm glad it's like this. Hehehe) They even want the students to be more creative during group presentations, like making a skit or singing a song while reporting.

College is fun! I know it will get even more difficult as time passes, but who says you can't have a little of both pleasure and business? ^__^

I joined a school publication. Hope I get in! LOL