Friday, February 16, 2007

Play Fest

Something interesting happened today! I was awakened by my cellphone, and on the screen it said, "Ate Mel 17". Ate Mel is now celebrating her seventeenth birthday! YAY! May you have many more birthdays to come!

We had our play fest earlier, and there were only three sections that presented. Ogilvie was the best! It was a play about a tribe where the chieftain was planning to execute her daughter because she committed adultery. There were arguments between the chief, his wife and advisers and it was so cool and filled with suspense that yolu can't stop watching! The music was great, it totally fits the story being portrayed. I won't even mind a replay of the entire play! Hehehe. Too bad we can't what they were saying since their mics were not properly pinned on the costumes. The story goes like this:

The first princess was convicted of committing adultery. Her mom won't hear of it and begged her husband (the chieftain) to spare her or change the rules. She also said that how could she commit adultery if she wasn't even married yet. The chief won't listen to her and ordered her daughter to be strapped onto a bamboo plank. She would be quartered, and her body parts were to be distributed to her two lovers. The first lover won't hear of it and agreed to be exiled from the tribe just to spare her life. He even agreed to let his brother marry her. He cut off the rope that bounded her and knelt in front of the chief, ready to pay the consequences. The daughter would not let her father do it and begged him, asking him why can't they just share her body to the both of them (she loves them both). The chief did not approve and told him to get up and fight between his brother. The one who survives the battle will get to marry the princess. Before that happened, his second daughter (twin of the first) came near her father and told him what happened. There was a mix-up. The both of them were so identical that could not tell which from which. The only source of differentiation they have were the moles located on the princess' bodies. Their mother asked the both of them to describe where these moles are located. The first lover got it right and married the first princess. The second did not and married the second princess.

It was a really cool play and the costumes were incredible! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! The actors were very, very good!


meily said...

ey arielle!! my gosh, haha. I just visited your blog after a looooooooooonnngggg time and i realize, featured man diay ko diri. hehehe! thanks. and yeah, i'm seventeen. Gosh. yet i still think i'm not suppose to be at this age. ^_^

anyway, I have seen the movie Inconvenient Truth too. and gosh, it was amazing! I realized a lot after viewing that film. Thank God I saw that documentary! and good that you are really affected by it so much, atleast two of us now are convinced of the destructive tendency of human activities. Ü

Unknown said...

Hi Ate Mel! I was beginning to wonder where you've been! Everyone's not updating anymore!!! Where are you?!

Hehehe. Miss you ate!

meily said...

hi arielle!! ^_^ i'm so busy lately... prefinals... then after 2 weeks, finals!! errr... ey! you'll be in third year nah! gosh. time flies so fast!!

Unknown said...

Yup! Can't believe it really... Wow! Finals two weeks after the pref-finals? And I thought Exam after two days is hell! Hehehe.

But, you can do it! All you need to do is close your eyes, take the pen and start answering! Hehehe. You can do it! Ate Mel pa! Hehehe.