Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Thoughts: Years from now...

To: ---

Hey, how have you been?

It's been a while since we last saw each other. Sorry for not answering the phone or replying to your messages. Things have been hellish these past few months, I can barely breathe. But I'm managing, thanks for asking. You shouldn't even be worrying about me. I'm used to this type of environment. You should be more worried about yourself though. Actually, all this worrying won't do you any good either. 

I don't know what I put myself into. I don't know if I should even be glad about it or not. Things are just piling on top the other. Everything's just messed up! Not to mention I'm getting you involved in all this... that's not how it's supposed to be.

Well enough about me. I haven't heard from you. You stopped sending me messages from down there. You must have been hurting after all the things you've gone through. I don't know why I'm incapable of feeling the same way you do. I bet it would have helped if I did. How are you holding up? I heard you're struggling... if there is anything I can do to make the pain any less, please tell me. You're not alone.

You're strong. I don't think I would still be sane after everything. How can you still care when they don't? How can you still love when any relationship is bound to get cut off? To end? How can you still worry about others when you yourself also need help? How can you? I've been trying to tell you time and again to not get too close with everyone. Losing them would hurt. 

You need some time for yourself, you know? How long has it been since you did? I bet you didn't want to have the time off because others need you. 

As always.

Well I hope you reply back to me soon. I wouldn't want you running cold. It's unlike you. If you did, I think I wouldn't be able to handle myself anymore either. Don't turn hard on me now. Please.

Take care.

From: ---

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