Friday, April 11, 2008


It's been a while since I last posted here in my blog. As evidence of my carelessness, the bugs creeping around the blog have already grown beards! White beards about a foot long!

Anyway, I'm just going to talk about the things that happened to me during my summer break. Recently, i've been hanging out more with my friends at school or XU Main with Ma'am Itucal. We are training for the upcoming contests that will be surely held this coming school year. We are also taking advance lessons, a pre-hemorrhage before the actual brain fractures begin! I already had a nosebleed just studying the sines and the cosines! Literally!

Who could have guessed trigonometry and physics can be so fun? Well, if you have a group of cray friends and a really fun teacher, then the feeling's understandable. Unlike being cooped up in a room with other fellow classmates trying their best to behave and understand the lesson while the teacher busily chatters in front waving the chalk in the air. I think the key to such progress is by just being a bit carefree on what you do, not uptight. In the kiosk (the place where we usually study), ma'am would discuss the lesson and while we do some exercises, we chat, laugh, ma'am also laughs with and adds a few cents of her own in the discussion making it even more amusing!

I'm not saying that the 'being-cooped-up-in-a-room' is bad. Besides, there are only a few of us in a group. If there were about forty pupils, I would go for the classroom. Since there is no way that one can understand the discussion if everyone talks all at once!

This is kind of a useless entry... but this is what happened for the summer break. I'm hoping for more exciting things to pop out of nowhere, like a mongoose would suddenly crawl up to me! I saw a snake once, i was just three feet away from certain death! It was cool though. The snake and the cat were having a staredown, like sumo wrestlers in that battle ring of theirs.

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